1. Anchorage has more snow than most other parts of SW Alaska, which meant that I needed to drag a packed ski bag for winter fun. Molly and I got to skate ski a couple of times in some beautiful terrain. Alaska does have some of the best skiing in the U.S. that is within minutes from your door (depending where in Alaska you live). Molly also lives within a 2 minute walk from a nice sized park for letting the doggies run around. The park also has a small pond that was covered with enough snow to pack down a ski trail that we found ourselves on more than once, skiing, throwing frisbees for dogs, wrestling frisbees away from dogs, and observing doggie snow angels. We also got down to Girdwood to tele ski for a few hours at Alyeska, which honestly could have used another 24 inches of snow. It was good to jump on tele skis and make some turns. It was even nicer to watch Molly make some masterful turns on her skis. I've got a lot to learn.

3. My girlfriend is amazing and wonderful in so many ways. Molly has an incredible circle of friends that are very fun and outgoing. We had a wonderful dinner with her friends Stacy and Brady in their magnificent house. The following night was dinner with her friends Carrie and Craig with a short introduction to the sauna. Next time, maybe we can come ready to fully appreciate the experience. My point is that Molly is a great friend to have and people recognize that. And Molly is so willing to jump into any adventure that is thrown her way. We both tackled our first home made pies complete with home made pie crust. It may not sound like such a big deal to all you dessert aficionados, but we had our struggles (mostly me) and I'm happy to say, we worked through them beautifully and produced some fabulous pie crusts and in the end ... whole pies. We had a busy busy schedule in the beginning, but managed to slow things down and enjoy some quiet time with just the two of us ... and the doggies of course.
It was a great way to spend Thanksgiving. I hope to have many more Thanksgiving holidays that resemble this one.
I hope everyone else had an enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday where ever you were celebrating.
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